Tag My Lewes garden

My Lewes weekend apple harvest

My little apple tree has been a source of pleasure all year and this weekend its season reached its climax with an unusually large amount of bright red fruit ready for picking here in my Lewes, UK, garden. This is…

More Bloomin’ Roses in my Lewes Garden.

Yesterday, I went with some friends to see Vera Sackville-West’s  spectacular gardens at Sissinghurst Castle, about an hour’s drive from my place. I took a lot of photographs and hope to publish a blog about the day later this week.…

Lewes’ Brach Mound has had its Autumn haircut

  Yesterday was cold in a poncey, Southern English kind of way – you know, a slight frost in the morning, some condensation on my study window (I’ve turned off the radio in my Bonsai tree’s interest), clear skies (almost)…

Out in my Lewes garden – rain or shine.

We’ve been having a superb summer here in Lewes, UK and my small urban garden has repsonded appropriately with garlands of flowers and vibrant greenery.  I’ve been reduced to a bit of dead-heading, some fruit picking and the odd bit…