Tag White Crane Fighting Arts

Hitting the ground running

I’ve been trying to get back to full fitness now for twenty months, nearly two years, after a difficult eight or so years of ill-health. A brain haemorrhage in 2008, and a pulmonary embolism a few years later, in 2013/14,…

Me in China: Kungfu, Fouchou and my Bonsai tree.

  I have always liked the idea of growing Bonsai  and, for my birthday last week, I was set up for the challenge and given this beautiful little tree called Syzygium buxifolium or Chinese myrtle. As today is China’s national…

The Wolf returns to Kungfu again.

After a couple of months of inactivity I am back in my small Lewes courtyard garden doing my martial arts practice and it feels great. It would feel even greater if I was any good at it after all these…