Tag Theresa May

Claiming my Irish inheritance

Most people regard me as a typical Englishman, but, in reality I am, like many people born in the British Isles, a mixture of English, Scottish and Irish. It just happens that I grew up in Sussex in Southern England,…

Three reasons not to be merry this Christmas.

I’m mostly quite a cheerful optimistic type of person but, really, looking at the world as we move towards Christmas, what is there to be cheerful and optimistic about? Well, I just planted my spring bulbs; my family is coming…

What does BREXIT mean Mrs May?

  BREXIT effigy from Lewes Bonfire 2016 First we are told that Parliament doesn’t need to decide Britain’s future over leaving the European Union and now we are informed that our High Court judges are the ‘enemies of the people’…

So who is the liar?

Brodie Clark, the senior civil servant formerly in charge of Britain’s passport control system has resigned accusing the British Home Secretary of casting him as the scape goat over the growing scandal of who ordered a lessening of Britain’s scrutiny…